More Events

You might like to use the website links below to explore concerts and musical events given by other organisations in the Hastings area:

Our sister organisation Hastings Philharmonic Orchestra with whom we share a Musical Director,

A little further afield, the programme of international chamber music concerts held throughout the academic year at Vinehall School, nr. Robertsbridge, is well worth exploring.

Throughout the summer months, the weekly Wednesday lunchtime concerts at Holy Trinity Church, Hastings, are well worth a visit.  Also, during July and August, the series of organ recitals at All Saints' Church in Hastings Old Town.

Don't miss Ensemble OrQuesta's performances on 8th/9th June, the culmination of their most recent opera academy - glorious and unusual repertoire!:

And another beautiful choral concert from the Occasional Consort in St George's Church, Brede on Sunday 16th June at 7pm:

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Hastings Philharmonic Choir