‘From the heart – may it again – go to the heart!’
Beethoven’s inscription on the score of his awe-inspiring ‘Missa Solemnis’ to its dedicatee, Archduke Rudolph of Austria, Bishop of Olmütz. From the lyrical opening Kyrie, through the jubilant Gloria, the heights and depths of expression in the Credo, the entrancing violin solo in the Benedictus, to the alarming sounds of warfare and final prayer for peace of the Agnus Dei, Beethoven’s music in this mass never fails to move the listener.
Come and let your heart be touched this Saturday, 11th November, 7pm at St John’s Church, Brittany Road, St Leonards TN38 0LF
Hastings Philharmonic Choir
Helen May, soprano
Marta Fontanals-Simmons, contralto
Leonel Pinheiro, tenor
Edwin Kaye, bass
Hastings Philharmonic Orchestra
conducted by Marcio da Silva
Tickets: £22/£17
Under 18s, students, universal credit/ JSA recipients £5/free
From our website: https://www.hastingsphilchoir.org.uk/autumnconcert2023
Or by phone, 01424 437554
or at The Bookkeeper, 1a King's Road, St Leonards TN37 6EA
Tickets are selling fast – don’t miss your opportunity to hear this glorious work in a rare live performance!
